Cats Australia President Narelle Spencer interviews Tiaan Dreyer from Knose Pet Insurance

About Cats Australia
Cats Australia is an inclusive not for profit association focused on our passion, promoting the wellbeing of all cats in our community and ensuring the highest ethical standards of pedigree cat breeding.

Cats Australia have partnered with The Pet Show to present.....
The Pet Show Cat Competition
Cats Australia
Show Schedule

Cats Australia Memberships
We have different membership options, depending on what services you require and how you prefer to support Cats Australia.

Breeder Membership
A comprehensive membership providing full breeder rights and access to all breeder benefits and services, in addition to all other membership benefits.
$100 annually, plus an initial $25 for cattery establishment.

Show Membership
Our full membership (non-breeder) providing access to all member services, show competitions and educational benefits.
$50 annually

Pet Membership
Our base associate membership. You can support Cats Australia and have your say welfare initiatives and attend educational seminars.
$25 annually

Cats Australia Partners